Why not join us for our monthly Classics at the Manor Classic Car Rally. Our community of Petrol heads get to talk all things classic vehicle ( all shapes & sizes welcome including bikes & more ) whilst enjoying our cafe, bar and often entertainment for adults & kids. There is lots of hard standing & even a spot of retail therapy!
By the way you can also join us for the Jap2jap car rally’s each month too
The Classics at the Manor Car Rally is usually held on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Do please keep an eye out for last minute changes. Join us or the Heskin Hall Classics at the Manor Facebook page to be “in with the club” .
this months meet is a special Fathers Day – we will have a Fathers Day Breakfast feast – reserve your seat to make sure of your place – call us on 01256 452044

www.facebook.com/HeskinHallClassicsattheManor https://heskinhall.com/jap2jap-2024-monthly-meets/